We help active people in the Atlanta area take control of their health and wellness today so they may thrive and enjoy the best years ahead.
Functionize is a private-pay physical therapy and wellness center serving active adults and athletes across the Greater Atlanta Area.
Built on the foundation of understanding human experience, offering practical solutions and insisting on an individualized approach, Functionize empowers you to take control of your health and wellness today so you may thrive and enjoy your best years ahead.
Beyond the quick fix or cursory diagnosis, we exist to find the core cause of your limitation or pain and employ a comprehensive, custom care plan to free your full physical potential.
Whether you are an athlete progressing towards peak performance, parents looking to keep up with their kids, believe age is just a number, or simply want to get back to your active lifestyle again, Functionize Health & Physical Therapy is here to help you enjoy the epitome of your functional movement.
You were made to move – together, we can make that happen.
Are you ready to live your life to the fullest?

You are in the thick of that hustle - climbing the ladder, starting a family and taking on adulting with optimism and enthusiasm. From the conference room to the playground to date night, you are in a full on sprint, but notice the stress creeping in and your body struggling to keep up.
Now is the time to make your physical health a priority with preventative measures and wellness maintenance that will give you the strength and stamina for the life you love.
This is a marathon, not a sprint and we are ready to be a team-player for the extra miles.
As the modern-day Brady Bunch, you have found your feet as a family with an exhilarating, exhausting road in front of you complete with becoming a leader in your career, your kids coming into their own and juggling all the obligations that come with a healthy, active lifestyle for you and your crew.
Time is the treasured commodity, but you deserve a few minutes for injury prevention, finding balance and preserving precious mobility.
We can do better than our parents at staying in fighting shape and putting our health first.
Feel like 40 should be the new 20? We do too.

Looking ahead, you are getting your nest back as the chicks take flight for higher education and adventure. Although part of you believes age is just a number, you also want to make sure you are doing what you can to take control of your health and grow older with both grace and gusto.
Take back some of that time you’ve given so freely to your family, work and friends. Find the right team of healthcare professionals to keep you fully functional and pain free as you turn the page into this beautiful chapter.
All we see is potential for your healthiest, happiest self for many years to come - don’t you?
Naturally Simple
Look at you! You are retired and ready to enjoy the full, fun lifestyle you’ve worked so hard to make happen. Round of golf on a Tuesday, tennis with the girls on a Thursday or a lazy Sunday morning with the grandkids - you’ve earned it all and then some.
Whether you’re struggling with nagging ailments, stagnant surgery recovery, limited mobility or simply a fear of injury, we don’t believe anything should slow you down.
The best is not behind you. In fact, we think the best is yet to come - shouldn’t you?