We help active people in the Atlanta area take control of their health and wellness today so they may thrive and enjoy the best years ahead.

Jill came to health coaching and energy medicine through her own “resurrection” from a physical health crisis that started in 2008. At that time, she enjoyed a boot camp workout 4-5 days a week; walked in the 60-mile Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk; served on two boards; and her nation-wide inspirational jewelry business was rapidly growing. All of these things were good things: exercising, participating in a cause, serving the community, and running a growing company.
And then… her body crashed. It was painfully freezing up, and she received the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.
But she healed.
She became very conscious of what she fed herself with both food and thought. Food is energy. Thought is energy. With this new awareness, she weaned herself off medication within a year and she has been healed ever since.
With this newfound awareness, she went back to school to become a certified Health and Life Coach to help others realize their pure potential through healing. However, as Jill worked with clients through Health Coaching, emotions would often bubble up in her clients that could not be ignored. She recognized that there must be a way to bridge the mind - body connection with her clients.
To bridge this gap, Jill received her certification as a Master EFT Practitioner. Emotional Freedom Techniques (tapping), is a stress reduction technique using elements of cognitive therapy with physical stimulation of acupuncture points. The effectiveness of EFT has been established for phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, pain and more. EFT reduces cortisol levels by 40%!
Further enhancing her energy psychology practice, Jill became a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, for which she is most recognized. Healing touch is an energy healing therapy endorsed by the Holistic Nursing Association. During a session Jill consciously uses her hands in a heart-centered and intentional way to enhance, support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and self-healing.
She is also a Laughter Yoga Leader, because laughter is the best medicine!
Jill is a well-respected and requested Speaker at company wellness seminars.
She knows that your body is an intuitive goldmine. It wants to be heard and is always speaking to you. Weight gain, low energy, anxiety, feeling “lost,” feeling overwhelmed, chronic physical pain, relationship struggles are all symptoms of being out of harmony and balance. Symptoms are messengers beckoning you back into balance. Our physical body, emotions, thoughts, and spirit are in constant communication. They are so intricately connected that they cannot be separated.
Jill believes health, balance, and happiness are the norm for all of us. When we allow filters of fear, limiting beliefs, doubt, unforgiveness, and worries to block the energy flow, we get out of alignment of the natural order. God’s order. The Universe’s order. The Vibrational order. That’s when issues will eventually show up in the tissues.
As we heal, we increasingly re-member our inward wholeness and our oneness with life and each other.
What keeps Jill busy outside of her sessions?
Learning! She’s a lifetime learner and she and her husband, David (or the entire family) are often somewhere new and different. She loves to paint – it’s her playdough. It’s a good thing she loves to play, because she and David now have 3 grandchildren (the first dubbed her “Beeba”). Jill loves to hike, and, yes – even weed her yard – just to be anywhere in nature where she absorbs God’s energy. Her passion through her work and speaking engagements is to encourage and inspire each of us to see ourselves as
God sees us – wonderfully made with our own unique exponential potential.
BA in Rhetoric & Communications, BA in French, University of Virginia 1986
Certified Life Coach
Certified Health Coach
Certified Master EFT Practitioner
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
Laughter Yoga Leader