I was never much of a runner. I was the girl who dreaded going to school on the days when we had to run the mile or participate in the Pacer Fitness Test (iykyk). I used to believe that you were born with the skills needed to be a great runner. However, during my time here at Functionize, my opinion has changed!
Every year The Functionize Team picks one big fitness or charity event to participate in with clients. In years past, they have done Swim Across America, Tour De Fox, and The Giving Kitchen. In March of 2022, Lauren mentioned signing up for The PNC 5k/10 miler at Atlantic Station. As someone who has never run more than a mile, I was very hesitant. Lauren said she would create a running plan to help us train and prepare, which helped ease my mind. She also encouraged us to schedule a Fit Run Shop appointment. The only thing still holding me back from jumping on board was the pain I had been experiencing in my right foot for over a year. Previously, I mentioned it to our physical therapists and was given a few exercises to try at home. Despite completing the recommended exercises for a few weeks, I was still experiencing pain. I ignored it and began the training plan. After a few days of training, my pain was in full force and I decided to take Lauren up on scheduling my Fit Run Shop appointment.
As an employee, I knew all the parts that a Fit Run Shop appointment entailed. It’s a fifty minute fitting assessment with a physical therapist to help understand your injury history, current training plan, and performance goals. What I did not know was how helpful and insightful this appointment would really be to a novice runner like myself. We started off by reviewing any concerns or issues that I had with my running and then we discussed my current shoewear, and measured my foot. At the time, I had only owned my shoes for a year and loved them, solely because of how clean and cute they looked. Somehow it never crossed my mind that the cute shoes I loved wearing a few times a week could be affecting my ability to run efficiently and pain-free. After measuring my foot, we realized I was wearing one and a half sizes too small! Yikes!
Following our discussion, Lauren picked out a few different shoe types that she thought would work best given my pain and fitness goals. Then I hopped up on the treadmill while Lauren recorded me running in each shoe. The software she used to film my running presented side by side comparison videos in the selection of shoes that we carry in the office. She further broke down my running form by slowing the video down into frames. Each frame was compared to the next to get a true picture of how my form was impacting my injured foot.

After the video analysis, it was time to shop! Thankfully, I did not have to go far. Our Dunwoody office houses some of the "Best Selling" shoes from Big Peach Running Co. Lauren suggested her top shoe recommendations based on the best fit for my running gait.
She also considered historical factors including: brand preference, prior injuries, anatomical make-up, and running volume/intensity. Based on Lauren’s recommendation and my personal opinion on comfort, I decided to go with The New Balance Fresh Foam 860 v12. I absolutely love my shoes and the best part about my Fit Run Shop appointment is the 10% discount you get to purchase shoes through Big Peach!
Here we are months later and I have little to no foot pain and I was able to participate in my first 5k!

Whether you’re struggling with pain, beginning your running journey, or competing as a life-long runner, Functionize can help you find a shoe you like AND perform well in. Reach out today to schedule your Fit Run Shop appointment!
Thanks for reading!
Alli Burch
Functionize Practice Manager
Prior to working at Functionize, Alli worked at an In-Network physical therapy office where she gained experience in a busy clinic setting. Through her experience & college education, she realized the control that insurance companies have over the care that can be provided to patients. She enjoys working at Functionize because we can go beyond the control of insurance companies and provide top notch care.
Alli currently lives in Brookhaven and hopes to add a long haired miniature Dachshund to the mix soon! In her spare time, she loves to watch documentaries and spend time with friends & family.