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Three Signs Your Physical Therapist Is Letting You Down

Do you ever find that pain keeps you from doing your daily activities?

Do you feel that “old age” prevents you from doing the things you love?

Is your lack of strength and flexibility making regular work and gym activities a painful burden?

Have you sustained athletic injuries that never seem to heal?

Are you considering surgery because all conservative treatment has been unsuccessful at resolving your pain?

Before heading under the knife or completely giving up the things you love, consider Functionize- where being pain-free is the new normal!

As a physical therapist for 19 years, I’ve seen the physical therapy options out there. I’ve experienced the approaches first-hand as an employee and clinic director, as well as a patient when I tore my ACL two years ago.

I’m Lauren Sok, founder of Functionize Health & Physical Therapy in Decatur. Our office serves active people in metro Atlanta who want to stay pain-free and perform at their highest level possible. We believe that moving pain-free at any age is the new normal. Our movement-based approach to physical therapy has helped thousands of active adults in the past 4 years.

When I look at the current state of physical therapy, I see many issues that cause active people to fall short and not achieve the pain-free life they deserve:

One-Size-Fits-All Model

In high volume clinics, the goal is to see multiple clients at one time to offset the low insurance reimbursement rates. This means you attend physical therapy 2-3x a week for 6-8 weeks. The therapist issues a diagnosis-specific template of exercises to you, regardless of your goals. Nothing about the treatment is tailored to you, because frankly, the therapist doesn’t have time for individualized treatment. You are put into a box of symptoms in hopes of the treatment working. But, if the treatment doesn’t work, you will be sent back to your doctor and prescribed medications, injections, or even worse- surgery.

A client needs consistent motivation, accountability, and a dedicated coach by their side to find a solution to their problems and a clear path to get back on track. During your treatment with us, you not only gain that coach, but you also gain a friend. At Functionize, we truly care about you and desperately want to see you achieve the goals we have set together. We aspire to help people be stronger, fitter, and live active lives without the burden of pain holding them back.

If you are looking for lasting changes that work, it’s time to seek out individualized care by therapists that have a proven strategy designed just for you.

Clients Are Discharged Too Soon

In an insurance-based model, physical therapists are incentivized to get you in for therapy as often as possible to meet monthly financial goals. Some clients may attend 10 sessions in just 4-6 weeks, but it can take longer than 6 weeks to treat a problem that has lasted for several months.

Because the therapist’s time is limited with you and they are often unable to find a true solution to your problem, it may become a trial-and-error approach to determine what works. If a specific approach does prove successful and the symptoms subside, you will be discharged even if your goal to resume fitness and sports activities is not met.

At Functionize, our therapists spend a full hour of one-on-one care with you. We can listen to your concerns and develop a fully-customized treatment plan specific to you so the pain doesn’t return and you can get back to doing what you love.

Clients Are Spending A Lot Of Money In Deductibles And Copay Without Seeing Results

The cost (in time and money) is actually higher to go in-network for physical therapy. When choosing an in-network practice, you will first pay towards your annual deductible. In 2018, the average individual health care deductible was $1500-$4000. This is the cost you must pay before your insurance actually covers your health care expenses. If you attend physical therapy 2 times per week for 6 weeks at a cost of $200 (or more), that’s $2400 in just 6 weeks- and you still may not have met your deductible!

Additionally, the average copay cost to attend physical therapy after the deductible has been met is $75/visit. So, in 6 weeks you have spent a great deal of money. Although the pain may have improved and it costs less money in the short-term, it could end up costing a lot more in the long run- especially when the pain comes back.

In the end, you may feel that physical therapy didn’t work and, alternatively, revert to the expensive lines of treatment that you never really wanted/needed, such as surgery or injections.

Most clients at Functionize Health & Physical Therapy attend physical therapy for 6-10 visits. Those visits may be spread over 2-6 months with a combination of in-person visits, home exercises, email communication, and even phone conversations. That’s just $2000 over 4-6 months and the client receives individualized care. Our clients love that we can focus on their care rather than chasing insurance companies for reimbursement. We collaborate with other providers (i.e., physicians, personal trainers, massage therapists, chiropractors, registered dietitians, etc.) to create a team approach to your health. Choosing to pay cash for physical therapy will give you the biggest bang for your buck in both time AND financial investment.

If you have health insurance, you also may file a claim and see some of your money back in your own pocket!

Do any of the aforementioned scenarios describe your experience with a physical therapist or fitness provider?

Have you received physical therapy in an environment with a crowd of people doing exercises that could easily be done at home?

Have you been discharged from physical therapy without even discussing how you will get back to running, golf, swimming, tennis or other sports without pain?

If you have experienced this, I want to let you know that there are better options to achieve long-lasting, function-specific results. A more holistic approach to health and wellness is emerging, and Functionize is at the forefront of that shift.

Our physical therapists are movement strategists that not only improve your movement, but as well as your strength and your functional performance, allowing you to resume activities that once seemed impossible without pain.

In April, we are giving away 10 certificates for 50% off our Functionize Difference Movement Assessment.

A Full 60-minute assessment and plan will provide:

A detailed movement assessment of how your body is moving and where you could be moving better.

An individualized plan to help improve your mobility in the areas that are preventing you from doing the things you love.

Direct follow up email access with your physical therapist to ensure your plan is working.

This is a limited time offer for 50% off. We only have 10 certificates available. Click the title “Three Signs your Physical Therapist is Letting you Down” in the box below to enter your email and receive yours before they are gone!

Let’s work together so living pain-free is your new normal!

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